Are you a Swiss resident working for a foreign employer who has no domicile in Switzerland? This is called ANobAG in Switzerland, which stands for "employee without a contributory employer". Learn everything you need to know about this in this article.
The obligation to pay contributions refers to social benefits that are financed in Switzerland on a solidarity basis within the framework of the three-pillar system and to secure subsistence. Contributions must be paid for the 1st pillar for AHV, IV, EO, ALV and FAK.
An employer is not liable to pay contributions if he has neither a domicile nor a permanent establishment in Switzerland. Therefore, the obligation to pay contributions is transferred to the employee, who must therefore take care of the timely payment of the contributions, the statements and declarations as well as the correspondence with the social insurance agency.
In principle, everyone who is gainfully employed in Switzerland must pay contributions. The Agreement on the Free Movement of Persons (FTA) between Switzerland and EU/EFTA countries as well as other social security agreements regulate exactly where contributions must be paid if, for example, you are still working in other countries.
In principle, all contributions must be paid in only one country at a time, so as not to disadvantage internationally active persons through a double burden of contributions or the loss of entitlements.
In addition to social security contributions, ANobAG must at least take out accident insurance. If they either work for a company based in the EU/EFTA area or work simultaneously in Switzerland and in the EU/EFTA area, they must also join the 2nd pillar, also known as occupational pension or BVG. In addition, further insurances are highly recommended to minimize your risks and to protect them optimally. We will be happy to put together an individual offer for you.
The same rates apply to ANobAG as to employees and employers. In addition to the contributions, the SVA also charges administrative costs. However, these as well as the employer's share can then also be claimed back from the non-contributing employer.
The following rates apply for 2024:
ANobAG must register themselves with the compensation office of their canton of residence and take care of all formalities themselves. The procedure varies from canton to canton.
Are you an ANobAG yourself and need support with these complex processes? We will be happy to provide you with competent and reliable support.
Are you a Swiss resident working for a foreign employer who has no domicile in Switzerland? This is called ANobAG in Switzerland, which stands for "employee without a contributory employer". Learn everything you need to know about this in this article.
Do you or your employees also use your company vehicle for private purposes? If you want to know how this is declared in the salary statement and what changes apply since 2022, find out more in our guide.
Owners and board members in particular should familiarize themselves with this topic, as non-compliance with the legal provisions can result in a lawsuit and liability with private assets in the worst case. Find out everything you need to know here.
Family allowances support you in raising your children. The federal government prescribes minimum rates for child and education allowances. The cantons can set higher allowances and also pay birth and adoption allowances. In this article, we explain the most important facts in brief.
Electricity prices will rise by 20 percent or more in 2023. What impact will this key interest rate hike have and how will it moderate inflation? Find out more about the Swiss National Bank's monetary policy and how the key interest rate increase will impact nationally and internationally in this article.
A big part of the companies founded in Switzerland is obliged to double-entry bookkeeping according to the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR). Therefore, both at the time of company formation and in general accounting, it should be questioned at regular intervals which accounting program is best suited for one's own needs. We are pleased to present in this article some of the best known and best rated accounting software in Switzerland.
In times of globalization and digitalization, the labor market and their working models have also changed significantly. There are more and more foreign companies without a branch or place of business in Switzerland that hire employees here, so-called ANobAGs (employees without a contributory employer).
Both fathers and mothers are entitled to paid leave after the birth of their child, also known as parental leave, in Switzerland. While mothers are entitled to 14 weeks of leave, fathers have been entitled to a total of 2 weeks of paternity leave since the 2020 national referendum. In this article, we will explain everything you need to know about maternity and paternity leave in Switzerland.